Eat dirt, autoimmune solution, paleo cookbook and medical autoimmune life 4 books collection set

Amy Myers


Eat dirt, autoimmune solution, paleo cookbook and medical autoimmune life 4 books collection set by Amy Myers..Eat dirt, autoimmune solution, paleo cookbook and medical autoimmune life 4 books collection set. Description:- The Medical Autoimmune Life Changing Rescue Solution Cookbook: Your diet plays a huge part in reversing, treating and controlling chronic, inflammatory illness and the Autoimmune Protocol is a fantastic tool for making sense of what you eat, to keep you being the best you can.The Autoimmune Solution:

 Over 90 percent of the population suffers from inflammation or an autoimmune disorder. Until now, conventional medicine has said there is no cure.The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook:One in five people are affected by autoimmune illness. In The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, author Mickey Trescott presents a gorgeous wellness cookbook that offers practical advice and solutions In her mid-twenties, struggling with low energy and fatigue that had plagued her for years. Eat Dirt: Most Americans live a "germ-free" lifestyle, sanitizing and scrubbing every surface, eating processed and pasteurized food, and slathering on anti-bacterial gels. But while our homes and hands may be clean, our health is taking a hit. 

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