The Myers Way

Amy Myers


The Myers Way: A Real Solution to Reclaim Your Health & Vitality by Amy Myers..The Myers Way: A Real Solution to Reclaim Your Health & Vitality is a comprehensive elimination diet to rid your body of inflammation and toxins while you eat nourishing whole foods. During The Myers Way, you will remove toxins, reduce inflammation, optimize your health, and discover your personal food sensitivities that may be the underlying cause of your health issues.

 This allows you to function at the high level that you are naturally designed to feel and function—free from pain, clear in mind and body, energized and optimistic. By cleansing your body of toxins and inflammation you should experience weight loss, improved energy, better sleep, mental clarity and improved digestion. Most people see resolution of IBS, seasonal allergies, fatigue, acne, mood and hormonal imbalances. The Myers Way is doctor designed and nutritionist approved by Amy Myers, MD and Brianne Herman, RD. Dr. Myers has used this dietary-based guide to help thousands of her patients heal themselves from serious illnesses, such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, ADD, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune thyroid—a condition she once suffered from and healed by following this program—as well as helping many others with simpler goals, like improving energy, losing weight, sleeping better, improving their mood and preventing disease. All of her patients follow The Myers Way as the core part of their treatment. Brianne Herman is the head nutritionist at Austin UltraHealth. She takes a comprehensive and functional approach to nutrition and health as she personally guides her own clients and Dr. Myers’ patients through The Myers Way. For personalized support take advantage of The Myers Way Guided Cleanse including: The Myers Way eBook, 2 personalized wellness coaching sessions with Brianne Herman, RD, LD, email support, and invitation to The Myers Way Facebook Community.

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