Peter Fleming


WE WERE THERE -Illustrated: WORLD WAR II REMNINCES - BRITISH & CANADIAN by Peter Fleming .. From the hearths and homes of Britain. From the humble thatched roof cottage. From the lodgings by the dock side.

Where the barges roll and pitch.
From the tenements and dwellings.
In the city's eastern quarter.
From the mayfair flat's and Mansion's.
And the houses of the rich.
From the dominions beyond the seas they answered to the call

From every place came an Army
Like an ever rising torrent to serve the King and country....

It is so sad that today that BRITAIN which so gallantly and with the utmost resolve fought all over the globe is overshadowed and whose contribution is being lost in the Public memory.

This work is the first part of a planned series depicting the experiences of ordinary folk who were thrust on the world stage and could have said with pride -


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